Anxiety is the name of the mental and physical responses that a person feels when he thinks that some events he may experience may be dangerous. I said it might pose a danger because the feeling felt during a dangerous situation is mostly fear, while the feeling when we perceive a threat to the future is usually anxiety. Anxiety is a natural feeling such as happiness, anger and sadness. In addition to being natural, it is also extremely necessary in our life.
When a person feels anxiety, he thinks "something bad will happen". Anxiety may also be accompanied by some symptoms such as acceleration of heartbeat, increased exchange of breathing, nausea, sweating, increased muscle tension and dry mouth. Due to the difference in interpreting the idea of “there is danger”, individuals may experience anxiety with varying intensity from mild anxiety and restlessness to the level of panic. As anxiety intensifies, physiological symptoms usually manifest more intensely. In other words, the person can be affected physically, mentally and spiritually by assuming a dangerous situation.
The most important point to differentiate is that anxiety is a normal feeling experienced by everyone from time to time, but this feeling may be very intense and prolonged in time and then may indicate to an anxiety disorder. Another important factor of anxiety disorder diagnosis is the deterioration of the functionality of the individual in his professional, social and private life.
· your anxiety is disproportionate and excessive than the anxiety that would normally create; so if it is a more exaggerated reaction than other people around you,
· you have started to avoid things that cause anxiety in your life with your worry that something bad will happen to you
· it affects your business and social life negatively,
· if this happens frequently, you're more likely to experience an anxiety disorder
What should be done to deal with your anxiety before turning into anxiety disorder?
1. Because our thoughts cause the feeling of anxiety, first of all, it is necessary to test whether our thoughts and interpretations are real or not. Anxiety will automatically decrease if we find out that our thoughts are not real .
2. If there is a real threat, then solutions should be considered.
3. You can regulate the physical changes in the body, even your mood, through exercises such as relaxation exercise, breathing exercise and meditation.
I would like to restate my point that I recently emphasized in my stress-related article by adapting to anxiety: none of us can expect a life without anxiety, but we can manage and control our anxiety.